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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ultra Red Doctor

Ultra Red Doctor is Kidz World Community's top doctor and lives in the west side of Kids Community Town. He owns the hospital of Kids Community Town. He is a hard worker and likes to joke around. His favourite sport is football. His favourite colour is red.

Role: Helping the sick patients recover.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Smiley Bank Guy

Smiley Bank Guy is the owner of the Kidz World Community Bank. He gives out loans to people in Kids Community Town. He is also the creator of the Kidz World Community currency, Kilos. He secretly works in the Kidz World Community Police Agency to locate and trap robbers that try to steal from his bank. He is Agent Crossbow's brother and they both work as secret agents in the police agency. His favourite sport is archery. His favourite colour is blue.

Role: Running the Kidz World Community Bank and keeping Kidz World Community safe.

More photos of Smiley Bank Guy:

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Smiley Paperboy

Smiley Paperboy is the youngest person that works in the Kidz World Community Team. He is 8 years old. Smiley Paperboy works for Smiley Clown and delivers newspapers to houses in Kidz World Community. He is Kidz World Community's number 1 paperboy.  His favourite sport is baseball. His favourite colour is blue.

Role: Delivering mail to people in Kidz World Community.

More photos of Smiley Paperboy:

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Agent Crossbow

Agent Crossbow works in the Kidz World Community Police Agency as a special agent. He is an expert on how to use crossbows. Agent Crossbow grew up in the Northern Kidz World Community Wilderness and learned how to use a crossbow for hunting. He now works with with the Kidz World Community Police Agency to track down criminals. He is a friend of Smiley Photographer. His favourite sport is archery. His favourite colours are blue and green.

Role: Keeping Kidz World Community safe.

More photos of Agent Crossbow:

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Smiley C. Officer

Smiley C. Officer is Smiley Blue Cop's father. Smiley C. Officer came up with the idea to make the police agency. He was the marshal of the early Kids Community Town and chased down bank robbers. He and a team of construction workers built a small police station which ended up being the Kidz World Community Police Station! He later put his son, Smiley Blue Cop in charge of the Kidz World Community Police Station. He now lives in the Kids Community Town's forests and often visits the Kidz World Community Police Station to check how well Smiley Blue Cop is running the Kidz World Community Police Agency. He now works to build more police stations in Kidz World Community. Smiley C. Officer's favourite colour is yellow.

Role: Making sure that Kidz World Community is safe.

More photos of Smiley C. Officer.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Smiley Police Bot

Smiley Police Bot is a talking police robot built by Ultra Blue Mechanic and Ultra Air Cop. Smiley Police Bot is the Mobile Police Truck driver and works as the police assistant. Smiley Police Bot is best friends with Smiley Machine. He has a built in GPS so he can remember the places that he has been in! Smiley Police Bot's favourite colours is blue and red.

Role: Helping the police team.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ultra Air Cop

Ultra Air Cop is the third in command of the Kidz World Community Police Agency. Ultra Air Cop used to work at the Kids Community Metropolis Airport as a security guard and he was also one of the airplane pilots. He has worked with Smiley Transporter inside an airplane many times. He later moved to Kids Community Town so he can join the police team. He is now the police pilot and pilots the KWC  Police Jet. He is the loudest police officer in the team. His favourite sport is badminton. His favourite colour is dark blue.

Role: Making sure that Kidz World Community is safe.

More photos of Ultra Air Cop:

Ultra Air Cop working in the Kids Community Metropolis Airport.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Smiley Transporter

Smiley Transporter is in charge of making sure that all the links in Kidz World Community are working and making new links for the new pages in Kidz World Community. Smiley Transporter is the leader of the transport service in Kidz World Community. He has driven a train, a bus, a taxi and an airplane before. He is the number one driver and pilot in Kidz World Community. He likes to bike. His favourite colour is blue.

Role: Linking new pages to Kidz World Community.

More photos of Smiley Transporter:

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Super Story Clown

Super Story Clown is in charge of writing stories and uploading other kids stories. She has won each Kidz World Community Story Writing contest for 5 years in a row! In one minute she can write a full page of text! Super Story Clown has helped Smiley Clown type some of his news posts for the Kidz World Community. If Smiley Clown is sick Super Story Clown is called to write his news posts. Her favourite sport is badminton. Her favourite colour is green.

Role: Writing stories and uploading other kids stories to Kidz World Community.

More photos of Super Story Clown:

Monday, February 13, 2012

Ultra Red Smile

Ultra Red Smile is Ultra Blue Mechanic's cousin. He is in charge of the polls page on Kidz World Community. Ultra Red Smile likes to make jokes and pranks. He has made a prank on everyone in Kidz World Community except for Smiley Blue Cop and Agent Blue Smile who don't like joking. Ultra Red Smile likes to yo-yo and is the best person that can yo-yo in Kidz World Community. His favourite sport is table tennis and his favourite colour is red.

Role: Adding polls onto Kidz World Community.

More photos of Ultra Red Smile:

Monday, February 6, 2012

Smiley Machine

Smiley Machine is a robot that Ultra Blue Mechanic has built. Smiley Machine can transform into almost anything he wants to. He is also the highest jumper in Kidz World Community. He has jumped into orbit around Planet Kidz World Community in space. Smiley Machine's favourite colour is light green.

Role: Helping people in Kidz World Community.

Smiley Machine appears in the Space World Community story.

More photos of Smiley Machine:

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ultra Blue Mechanic

Ultra Blue Mechanic is in charge of the creations page on Kidz World Community. He is an inventor. His first ever creation was a robot that can turn into almost anything it wants to. Ultra Blue Mechanic is mostly busy building new inventions. He has made two pairs of claws to attach to his wrist that can help him pick up something from the ground by extending it. Ultra Blue Mechanic likes to bike. His favourite colour is blue.

Role: Inventing things for Kidz World Community

Ultra Blue Mechanic appears in the Space World Community story.

More photos of Ultra Blue Mechanic:

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Smiley Photographer

Smiley Photographer is in charge of the photo page on Kidz World Community. He is the best photographer in Kidz World Community! He likes taking nature photos the most. He has a special hat that can take pictures. He also has a camera on his belt. Smiley Photographer sometimes helps Smiley Clown with taking photos for the Kidz World Community newspapers. Smiley Photographer's favourite sport is basketball. His favourite colour is dark green.

Role: Taking pictures in Kidz World Community.

Smiley Photographer appears in the Space World Community story.

More photos of Smiley Photographer:

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Helper Clown

Helper Clown is in charge of helping people that get lost in Kidz World Community. She has made a webpage where you can find answers to your questions about Kidz World Community. She is also the navigator and map expert of Kidz World Community. Whenever you get lost, Helper Clown is the first person you should ask. Her favourite sport is football (soccer). Her favourite colour is light blue.

Role: Helping people in Kidz World Community.

Helper Clown appears in the Space World Community story.

More photos of Helper Clown:

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Agent Blue Smile

Agent Blue Smile is Smiley Blue Cop's assistant. Agent Blue Smile makes sure that Kidz World Community is safe. He is in charge of making sure every upload is 100% safe! He has many sneaky gadgets like the head camera which he uses to spy and take videos of others without them knowing. He also has a tiny camera on his tie. He has a belt with many different tools. Agent Blue Smile says that he has seen Smiley Claus because of his spying skills. His favourite sport is badminton. His favourite colour is grey and blue.

Role: Making sure that Kidz World Community is safe.

Agent Blue Smile appears in the Space World Community story.

More photos of Agent Blue Smile:

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Smiley Blue Cop

Smiley Blue Cop makes sure that Kidz World Community is safe. He is in charge of making sure that all the creations uploaded my kids are safe. He also is in charge of checking through and publishing comments. He has a police cap that he proudly wears on his head. Smiley Blue Cop almost always thinks that he is better than everyone else. His favourite colour is blue. His favourite sport is badminton.

 Role: Making sure that Kidz World Community is safe.

Smiley Blue Cop appears in the Space World Community story.

More photos of Smiley Blue Cop:

Monday, December 19, 2011

Smiley Claus

Smiley Claus makes toys for children all around Kidz World Community. He delivers them at Christmas with his sled that is pulled by Reindeer. Many people have thought that Smiley Claus is Smiley Clown in a Santa costume but if you ask him he would say that he does not know who Smiley Clown is. Only a few people have ever seen Smiley Claus not including the elves that help him make the toys he delivers to the children. But a good way of knowing that  Smiley Claus came to your house is to leave cookies by your Christmas tree. Smiley Claus loves cookies!

Role: Delivering presents to kids all across
Kidz World Community.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Art Clown

Art Clown is the artist that makes some of the drawings on Kidz World Community.
He has made over 30 different drawings and posted them onto the Kidz World Community Art page. Art Clown is in charge of posting his own art and uploading other kids art onto Kidz World Community. He is also in charge of the wallpaper, winter art and activity page. He likes all colours. His favourite sport is Tennis.

Role: Drawing art for Kidz World Community and uploading other kids art.

Art Clown appears in the Space World Community story.

More Photos of Art Clown:

Smiley Clown

Smiley Clown is the news reporter of Kidz World Community.
When there are updates on Kidz World Community Smiley clown writes about them on the homepage. He is also the main cartoon character of Kidz World Community. He is in charge of posting news and updates on the homepage of Kidz World Community. Smiley Clown's favourite sport is football (soccer). His favourite colour is green.

 Role: Writing news posts and posting them onto Kidz World Community.

Smiley Clown appears in the Space World Community story.

More Photos of Smiley Clown:
Smiley News Clown

Smiley Clown's old look